Dear Dalitso

Everyday lessons for tomorrow

Running on Fumes

October 2, 2023
Letter #13

Dear Dali,
One of the most important lessons in life is to pace yourself. Know when to run, to walk and to rest. I love running as a sport and it has kept me going. My attitude towards life has been to ‘push’ until something happens. There are many reasons for this- but I suppose the biggest has to do with the fear of failure. Fear is never a good reason but at times it is a great fuel. It will push you to overwork, hoard/save for the future and at times to be super competitive. These may sound good, but they don’t come from a good place. They may lead to high levels of stress, anxiety and at times anger. Avoid them please.
Building an organization in an austere and isolated environment like Zimbabwe is not a walk in the park. It can be lonely. And we had to build a family home at the same time. Stress can easily become your friend. You can doubt yourself. What if we fail to complete the house? What if this and that.
I have taken short breaks now and again but am yet to find a way to disconnect from what SIVIO needs. I have used the breaks to figure out problems at SIVIO. You could say I was with the family in body but not in my mind.

However, this is not unique. I believe that there are many who have gone through the same. I had grace on my side. These five years have also been a period of intense Bible Study. COVID-19 taught me not to rely on Sunday preaching but to make this relationship personal. God has kept me going even through the valley of the shadow of death. The humbling truth is I am what I am by His Grace. There is very little I could accomplish by myself. I am still learning to let go and totally trust in Him.

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