The Temptations of Power
Last week was a bit difficult for all of us. Seeing you not feeling well and unable to go to school was a bit too much for me. Anyways Ruby provided some comic relief during the ride to school as she always does.
She was a class monitor for the week. Her first concern was that the days were moving too fast toward the end of her tenure as being class monitor. She also felt that it was unfair that her term only started on a Tuesday and would end on Friday. She maximized on those four days, by making sure that anyone I mean anyone including her friends would be on the list of misbehaving ones if they did. She told me that she had reported close to eleven of her colleagues to the teacher. She is a no-nonsense that one. Remember her telling us the other time that she would arrest anyone seen throwing litter?
I thought to use that as a moment to discuss the use and abuse of power. I said to her that it's quite normal for power to be temporary. For her, it was just four days. I said, "even Presidents don't rule for ever". She was shocked and disappointed that Presidents only rule for 5 years then seek re-election and if they win they can only serve for one more term. In her words, 'why even bother'. To her one should hold power forever.
I understand where she is coming from. You guys watch a lot of TV shows with Kings and Queens and very few with modern government systems. But I think she has seen bosses being fired, thanks to Boss Baby. What she didn't understand was why a President would have limited power. She wanted to be a class monitor for the whole year.
I said to her that the school is doing the right thing; first- they are teaching responsibility and leadership. To be a leader amongst your peers. This is the hallmark of modern-day democratic systems. We elect a commoner from within our ranks, not a prince or king but anyone can lead a country. Well, it's more sophisticated than that but for now, I will keep it this way. Second, the school is teaching you that power over others is temporary and has limits. This is an important insight to learn from your formative years. You may get some opportunity one day to be a prefect, head girl, or any other position of power/responsibility just remember the following: