Dear Dalitso

Everyday lessons for tomorrow

Moments of Doubt

Dear Dali,

I have my own moments of doubt. Am I doing enough? Am I doing the right thing? Am I in the right place? I have always believed that my mission is to fight poverty. But at times it looks so presumptuous when I put it that way. It’s like something (the devil) taunting me and asking who are you to think you can fight poverty? Remember this- poverty has been our permanent condition for many years. I have argued that the common thread behind oppressive systems is greed. The converse of that situation is that the common thread of the oppressed existence is poverty. My doubt is in the tools that we use to fight poverty. To others maybe we should share the little we have- give what we have to others. That may work- but is there enough to go around.

I have my own moments of doubt. Am I doing enough? Am I doing the right thing? Am I in the right place? I have always believed that my mission is to fight poverty. But at times it looks so presumptuous when I put it that way. It’s like something (the devil) taunting me and asking who are you to think you can fight poverty? Remember this- poverty has been our permanent condition for many years. I have argued that the common thread behind oppressive systems is greed. The converse of that situation is that the common thread of the oppressed existence is poverty. My doubt is in the tools that we use to fight poverty. To others maybe we should share the little we have- give what we have to others. That may work- but is there enough to go around.
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December 12, 2023
Letter #2929

Chenga Wose Mananga Hapana Risina Mhonzi (There is not a pumpkin without seeds, so value them all)

Dear Dali,

Chenga Wose Mananga Hapana Risina Mhonzi (There is not a pumpkin without seeds, so value them all). This is a deep Shona proverb. It literally means all pumpkins regardless of size are worth collecting from the field. At the very least, their seeds could be put to good use.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that this proverb/saying is now available on the internet. I have learnt to apply the wisdom contained over the years. My take is- do not be too quick to discard/disregard a team member, an opportunity or a partnership based on the immediate disappointment. It is possible that at first you may not find what you were expecting from a person (member of staff). It could have been a rash decision to hire.

Chenga Wose Mananga Hapana Risina Mhonzi (There is not a pumpkin without seeds, so value them all). This is a deep Shona proverb. It literally means all pumpkins regardless of size are worth collecting from the field. At the very least, their seeds could be put to good use.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that this proverb/saying is now available on the internet. I have learnt to apply the wisdom contained over the years. My take is- do not be too quick to discard/disregard a team member, an opportunity or a partnership based on the immediate disappointment. It is possible that at first you may not find what you were expecting from a person (member of staff). It could have been a rash decision to hire.
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November 22, 2023
Letter #2727